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JobWatch Featured on Lawyers Weekly

JobWatch was featured on Lawyers Weekly on Tuesday 31 August 2021, with an opinion piece on Equal Pay Day and a practical and immediate way that we can reduce the gender wage gap now.

August 31, 2021

We know what the solutions to the gender pay gap are – conducting gender pay gap analyses within organisations, reducing and eliminating bias from recruitment and performance management systems, training and development, gender-responsive organisational policies, and more.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has a wealth of resources available on how employers can act on gender pay equity in their workplace. But organisational change takes time, as does the evolution of societal and cultural norms that will address the gender pay gap.

For this year’s, Equal Pay Day (31 August), I’m adding one more practical, immediate, solution to the list – for federal and state governments to increase funding to specialist employment law community legal centres to support women with their rights at work.

The Sex Discrimination Commissioner recognised the importance of community legal centres in their Respect@Work report, calling for more comprehensive funding to support our work through recommendations 49 and 53.

By funding community legal centres now, we achieve two goals – firstly to support thousands of women across Australia with individualised legal assistance in their issue, and secondly, by representing women through strategic legal casework, we can establish legal precedent for others in similar situations and create widespread change on workplace rights that is enforced by court decisions.

Read the article here.

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